Transfer HBAR

In this section, you will learn how to transfer HBAR from your account to another on the Hedera test network.


  • Completed the Introduction step.

  • Completed the Environment Setup step.

  • Completed the Created an Account step.

Step 1 : Imports

  • The script imports necessary modules from the Hedera JavaScript SDK: Client, AccountBalanceQuery, TransferTransaction, Hbar, and PrivateKey.

  • It also imports the dotenv module to load environment variables from a .env file located in the Account directory.

const {
} = require("@hashgraph/sdk");
require('dotenv').config({ path: 'Account/.env' });

Step 2 : Environment Variables Retrieval

These lines retrieve environment variables such as MY_ACCOUNT_ID, MY_PRIVATE_KEY, and OTHER_ACCOUNT_ID from the .env file using process.env.

const myAccountId = process.env.MY_ACCOUNT_ID;
const myPrivateKey = PrivateKey.fromString(process.env.MY_PRIVATE_KEY);
const otherAccountId = process.env.OTHER_ACCOUNT_ID;

Step 3 : Main Function

  • It creates a client instance for the Hedera testnet and sets the operator account using the user's account ID and private key.

  • It creates a TransferTransaction object to transfer HBars between accounts.

  • The transaction subtracts 10 HBars from the operator account (myAccountId) and adds 10 HBars to the other account (otherAccountId).

  • The transaction is executed, and the resulting transaction ID (txId) is obtained.

  • The receipt of the transaction is retrieved, and the transaction consensus status is obtained from the receipt.

  • Queries are created to retrieve the account balances of both the operator account and the other account.

  • The queries are executed, and the account balances are logged to the console.

async function main() {
    const client = Client.forTestnet(); // Create a client for the Hedera testnet
    client.setOperator(myAccountId, myPrivateKey); // Set the operator account for the client

    const transaction = new TransferTransaction() // Create a transfer transaction
    .addHbarTransfer(myAccountId, new Hbar(-10)) // Subtract 10 HBars from the operator account
    .addHbarTransfer(otherAccountId, new Hbar(10)); // Add 10 HBars to the other account

    console.log(`Doing transfer from ${myAccountId} to ${otherAccountId}`);

    const txId = await transaction.execute(client); // Execute the transfer transaction
    const receipt = await txId.getReceipt(client); // Get the receipt of the transaction
    const transactionStatus = receipt.status; // Get the transaction consensus status

    console.log("The transaction consensus status is " + transactionStatus);

    const queryMine = new AccountBalanceQuery().setAccountId(myAccountId); // Create a query for operator account balance
    const queryOther = new AccountBalanceQuery().setAccountId(otherAccountId); // Create a query for other account balance

    const accountBalanceMine = await queryMine.execute(client); // Execute the query for operator account balance
    const accountBalanceOther = await queryOther.execute(client); // Execute the query for other account balance

    console.log(`My account balance ${accountBalanceMine.hbars} HBar, other account balance ${accountBalanceOther.hbars}`);

Step 4: Execution

This line calls the main() function to start the execution of the script.


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