System requirements for ABC
Hedera Hashgraph:
Hedera is a public distributed ledger technology (DLT) platform that uses a directed acyclic graph (DAG) called Hashgraph. It aims to provide a fast, secure, and fair platform for decentralized applications (dApps). Since Hedera is a public platform, the system requirements for developers are relatively minimal compared to running a node in a private or consortium blockchain network.
For developers intending to build applications on the Hedera platform, the primary requirements are:
A computer with an internet connection.
A compatible programming language and environment, such as Java, JavaScript, or Solidity (for smart contracts).
Access to the Hedera network via an SDK or API, which usually requires an internet connection and appropriate authentication credentials.
Sufficient computational resources:
RAM: 8 GB Minimum/ 16GB Recommended
Storage: 100 GB SSD
CPU: i5 or i7
Operating System: Windows 11 or Ubuntu 22.04 or 23.04
Running a Hedera node is typically not necessary for application development, as developers can interact with the network through APIs provided by Hedera.
Last updated